Duxton Vineyards

New South Wales | Murray Darling

Our Review

Duxton Vineyards is the large-scale wine arm of the asset management company, Duxton Capital, which specialises not only in equities but agriculture and hospitality venues. To date, it has bought 2500ha of established vineyards across the Murray Darling region in NSW and can crush up to 70,000t of fruit since buying the old Stanley winery at Buronga in ’19. Production includes bulk and bottled wine to be sold nationally and internationally along with Pete’s Pure Murray Darling and Rewild of Murray-Darling labels, a Dan Murphy’s exclusive. The wines are easy drinking, made for today and budget-friendly. -JANE FAULKNER


Winemaker Tony Allen, Shane Kerr, Jade Woods, Angela Allen
Viticulturalist Chris Nye
Region Murray Darling
Address Duxton House, 7 Pomona Road, Stirling, SA 5152 (postal)
Established 2015
Dozens 200000
Vineyards (area) 2500 ha
Opening Hours Not
Website www.duxtonvineyards.com.au