FREEMAN Vineyards

New South Wales | Hilltops | Wiradjuri

Our Review

Dr Brian Freeman spent much of his life in research and education, in the latter with a role as head of CSU’s viticulture and oenology campus. In '04 he purchased the neighbouring 30yo Demondrille vineyard, renamed Altura vineyard. He has since acquired several other vineyards within a 10km radius, all adding to the original Hilltops estate. In all, he has 27 varieties that range from staples such as shiraz, cabernet sauvignon, semillon and riesling through to more exotic varieties such as furmint and Italian varieties prosecco, pinot grigio, sangiovese, nebbiolo, rondinella and corvina. -JAMES HALLIDAY


Prosecco, rondinella, corvina, fiano, sangiovese, nebbiolo

Cellar Door


Open 7 days, certain public holidays excepted. By appointment. Complimentary vineyard platters.


By appt

Details are correct at time of writing

Please check winery website for up to date details



Vineyard cottage

Details are correct at time of writing

Please check winery website for up to date details

Stockist Information

Distribution Information

NSW, ACT: Quality Estate Distributors


Independent retailers


Winemaker Brian Freeman
Viticulturalist Brian Freeman
Traditional Place Name Wiradjuri
Region Hilltops
Address 101 Prunevale Road, Prunevale, NSW 2587
Established 1999
Dozens 5000
Vineyards (area) 200 ha
Opening Hours By appt
Telephone 0429 310 309
Social Media